How I am spending my time at the moment
Updated December 29th 2024 from Victoria BC
This year has been a wash as far as books go, I am nearly done A Man and His River by D.C. Reid and it's probably the only book I will have finished this year. This book is an interesting look at a fisherman's relationship with a river he has loved and continued to fish for three decades. The river is relatively local to me here in Victoria so it has a lot of information that could be useful if I make the time to do more fishing in the upcoming year.
I also started Dutch Tool Chests by Megan Fitzpatrick, but I'm not likely to finish it before the end of the year.
I finished building the shed in late September. On Instagram I posted some photos of the build and finished shed. It was a lot of work but also a lot of fun to design and build this shed. The next project is to build a workbench and actually start using the shed as a woodworking shop.